Cake Tape Kurma (Indonesian Cake)

Thursday, July 17th, 2008

Ingredients :100 gram margarin100 gram gula pasir4 butir telur100 gram tepung terigu250 gram tape singkong, haluskan? sdt baking powder250 gram kurma, potong dadu kecil taburan strussel :100 gram tepung terigu75 gram margarin50 gram gula pasir50 gram kacang mete sangrai, cincanghiasan : stroberi segar Directions :1. Panaskan oven dengan tyemperatur ...

Almond Ice Cream

Tuesday, July 15th, 2008

1/4 cup blanched almonds2 cups milk2/3 cup heavy cream3 egg yolks1/2 cup sugarReduce the almonds to a powder. Add the milk and heavy cream, mix thoroughly together. In a saucepan, heat the almond mixture and bring it to a boil. Remove from heat and reserve.In a bowl, mix the egg ...

Kopi Lapis Moka (Indonesia Cake and Dessert)

Tuesday, July 15th, 2008

Ingredients I :Susu cair 400 mlAgar - agar bubuk 1/2 bungkusJeli bubuk 1 sendok tehCokelat bubuk 25 gramCokelat masak pekat 50 gram dipotong - potongKopi instan 1 sendok tehGula pasir 75 gramKuning telur 1 butirIngredients II :Susu cair 400 mlAgar - agar bubuk 1/2 bungkusJeli bubuk 1 sendok tehCokelat ...

Ketan Durian (Indonesia Dessert)

Tuesday, July 15th, 2008

Ingredients :200 gram beras kentan direndam semalam, tiriskan2 lember daun pandan2 lember daun salam1/4 sendok teh garam250 santan cair2 sendok makan vegetable oilAir secukupnyaIngredients Sauce Durian :150 gram daging durian200 ml santan kelapa2 sdm gula pasir1/4 sendok teh garamDirection :1. Campur santan bersama gula pasir dan garam.2. Panaskan sambil diaduk ...