Low-Fat Dairy May Lower Blood tension

February 13th, 2011 | by rarzi |

Low-Fat Dairy May Lower Blood Tension

Johannesburg – The business is best done to lower the blood pressure is to drink and eat nutritious food. Though slowly but nutritional substances can make a gradual decrease blood pressure monitor. As these three types of drinks!

Nonfat milk and Low Fat
The content of potassium and calcium needed for healthy blood pressure. Extra vitamin D in milk is also very good for blood pressure. Replace full cream milk with low fat or nonfat milk to make a quick darahlebih pressure drop. Thus the results of research conducted in 2009 British Journal of Nutrition.

Hibiscus Tea
Shoes or hibiscus flower tea is very efficacious to lower blood pressure. Thus the results of research conducted in 2010 in the Journal of Nutrition. Diane L. McKay, Ph.D who do research believe that the anthocyanins and other antioxidants in the hibiscus work together to maintain blood pembukluh remain good. We recommend that you drink 3 cups per day. When brewing, let stand for 6 minutes for good results. Can be drunk hot or cold.

Cranberry Juice
Cranberry juice is the same efficacy with a red wine to lower blood pressure. This is revealed in research by 2010 in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry. Both the drink apple juice and chocolate also have antioxidant called proanthocyanidin known as ET-1 that play a role in maintaining blood vessel.

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