Marble Cheese Cake-Resep Natal & Tahun Baru

Marble Cheese Cake-Resep Natal & Tahun Baru

Marble Cheese Cake-Resep Natal & Tahun Baru

October 27th, 2010 | by rarzi |

Marble Cheese Cake-Resep Natal & Tahun Baru

Chocolate Dough:
120 g unsalted butter
200 g dark cooking chocolate, chopped
200 g granulated sugar
3 eggs chicken
Sift together:
140 g wheat flour
20 g cocoa powder
1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
Cheese Dough:
150 g cream cheese
30 g unsalted butter

50 g sugar
1 egg
2 tbsp plain flour


* Prepare a square or round baking pan 20 cm. Polish butter, sprinkle with flour.
* Dough Chocolate: Tim butter and chocolate until melted. Lift.
* Enter the sugar, stirring until blended.
* Add eggs one by one as he beat slowly until blended.
* Enter the flour mixture and stir well. Set aside.
* Cheese Dough: Beat cream cheese, butter with sugar until smooth.
* Add the eggs, beat well.
* Add flour and stir well.
* Place the chocolate and cheese mixture alternating in the pan.
* Scratch with knife to form marble pattern.
* Bake in hot oven 180 C for 50 minutes until cooked.
* Remove and let cool.

For 20 pieces

tags: buttercream resep, cake cheese marble, , , kue sugar dough, Marble Cake, Marble Cheese Cake-Resep Natal & Tahun Baru, resep baru, resep buter cream, , resep butter cream cake, resep butter creme, resep cake natal, resep cheese cake, resep cheesecake indonesia, resep cheess cake, resep indonesia cheesecake, resep marble, resep marble cake, resep sugar dough, sugar dough

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