Chocolate Banana Cake-Resep Kue Lebaran

Chocolate Banana Cake-Resep Kue Lebaran

Chocolate Banana Cake-Resep Kue Lebaran

September 7th, 2010 | by rarzi |

Chocolate Banana Cake-Resep Kue Lebaran

3 pieces (400 g) old Ambon bananas, mashed
60 ml vegetable oil
200 ml fresh milk
1 egg
½ teaspoon vanilla powder
Mix together:
280 g wheat flour
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
100 g caster sugar
½ teaspoon salt

150 g chocolate buttons


* Polish 20x10x8 cm loaf pan with margarine and sprinkle with flour.
* Mix the banana smooth with oil, milk and vanilla until blended. Set aside.
* Stir the banana mixture with flour mixture until blended.
* Enter button chocolate and stir well.
* Pour batter into greased and then averaged.
* Bake in hot oven 180 C for 30 minutes until cooked.
* Remove and let cool.

For eight pieces

Read phonetically

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