Spicy Opor Liver Chicken - Resep Lebaran

Spicy Opor Liver Chicken - Resep Lebaran

Spicy Opor Liver Chicken – Resep Lebaran

August 26th, 2010 | by rarzi |

Spicy Opor Liver Chicken

Spicy Opor Liver Chicken Resep Lebaran


* 10 pcs liver chicken
* 10 pcs chicken ampela
* 750 ml thick coconut milk (from half coconut)
* 10 red chilli pepper
* 2 stalk lemongrass, and crushed her white capture
* 6 lime leaves
* 1 turmeric leaf sheet, conclude
* To taste oil for sauteing

Spices that are:

* 5 cloves garlic
* 8 onions
* 5 pcs hazelnut
* 1 cm galangal
* 1 cm turmeric
* 3 cm ginger
* 1 tsp coriander
* 1 teaspoon pepper
* 1 tsp sugar
* 1 / 4 tsp cumin
* Salt to taste


1. Saute the spice paste with lime leaves, lemongrass and turmeric leaves until fragrant.
2. Enter the liver chicken and ampela, stir until the spices to infuse.
3. Add coconut milk, stir well and cook until boiling.
4. Continue to cook until the coconut is reduced half and enter the cayenne pepper.
5. Cook until cooked through and sauce thickens.
6. Pick up and ready to serve.

note: to 8 servings

Incoming search terms for the article:

opor lebaran, resep spicy chicken,

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