Krengsengan Meat and Potatoes-Resep Lebaran

Krengsengan Meat and Potatoes-Resep Lebaran

Krengsengan Meat and Potatoes-Resep Lebaran

August 28th, 2010 | by rarzi |

Krengsengan Meat and Potatoes-Resep Lebaran

Krengsengan Meat and Potatoes Resep Lebaran

Cooking Ingredients :

* 400 grams of meat Beef shank, cut into 4 x 4 cm
* 150 grams of potatoes, cut into 3 x 3 cm. Crusted Fried
* 2 large red chili pepper fruit. seeded, chopped fine
* 1 bay leaves
* 2 cm galangal, smashed
* 2 sheets of orange leaves, discarding the bones leaves
* 2 tablespoons soy sauce

* 1 / 2 tablespoon shrimp paste
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 1 teaspoon brown sugar
* 400 ml water

Marinade ingredients in finely mashed:

* 6 red onions
* 2 cloves garlic
* 2 pieces of red cayenne pepper
* 1 red tomatoes
* 1 / 4 teaspoon pepper


1. Mix the meat, bay leaves, lime leaves, soy sauce, shrimp paste, and brown sugar. Cook, pour a little water until half cooked.
2. Enter the potato and red pepper. Stir well. Soak and cook until thick.

Tip: Cook covered over low heat and allow the flavors to more pervasive

Serves 4

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