Goulash Nails-Resep Lebaran
August 23rd, 2010 | by rarzi |Goulash Nails-Resep Lebaran
* 4 tie fern (select young)
* 500 ml coconut milk
* 2 cm galangal, smashed
* 1 turmeric leaf lbr
* 1 stalk lemongrass, crushed
* 1 bh kandis acid
* 3 lbr lime leaves
* 15 pcs chili pepper
* 7 pcs shallots
* 3 cloves garlic
* 2 cm turmeric
* 2 cm fresh ginger
* 2 tsp salt
1. Plucking the leaves and stems of young ferns, slit the stems and cut into pieces, wash and drain.
2. Boil coconut milk with spices, galangal, turmeric leaf, lemon grass, tamarind kandis, and oranges.
3. Enter fern leaves and stems, and cook until boiling and oily, mix chili sauce and cook briefly, remove from heat.
Goulash Nails Serves 4
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