Steamed Chicken Honey
June 1st, 2010 | by rarzi |Steamed Chicken Honey
Steamed Honey Chicken Ingredients:
* Chickens small size of a tail
* 50 ml juice
100 ml * Honey
* 50 ml sweet soy sauce
* Soy sauce 100 ml
* Onion 1 small fruit, thin round slices
* Garlic minced 2 teaspoons
* 2 stalks leeks, cut into rough
* 1 teaspoon grated ginger
* Salt to taste
* Sugar to taste
* Chili pepper to taste
How to cook Chicken Steamed Honey:
1. Marinate chicken with lemon juice, let stand for 10 minutes. Rinse and drain. Slices of chicken in some parts (not to drop out).
2. Mix honey, soy sauce and garlic and stir well.
3. Place the chicken in place of stainless or heat resistant bowl.
4. Pour honey mixture over the chicken.
5. Add other ingredients.
6. Heat the pan pengukus, broiled chicken until cooked (about 1 hour), remove from heat.
7. Steamed Chicken Serve in warm Honey:
For a tail
* To be more pervasive flavor, the chicken may be cut into several sections.
* Flush-pour occasionally when steamed chicken seasoning to spice colors absorb.
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One Response to “Steamed Chicken Honey”
By Sambal Terasi on Jun 2, 2010 | Reply
nyummmy nih keliatannya