Egg Tartlets,Pie

Egg Tartlets,Pie

Egg Tartlets

February 27th, 2010 | by rarzi |

Egg Tartlets

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Custard Ingredients:
2 eggs
50 grams powdered sugar
175 ml of liquid milk
50 ml of water
¼ tsp vanilla essence

How to make:
1. Skin: medium speed with electric mixer, cream the butter and sugar until smooth and light. Gradually enter into the egg yolk beaten butter. As he sifted, add flour and stir well. Wrap the dough with plastic sticky / plastic wrap, chill in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
2. Custard: cook sugar and water until sugar dissolves. Lift. Let cool. Beat the eggs until well blended, then add the liquid milk and vanilla essence, stir. Add the sugar water that is cold to the beaten eggs. Mix well.
3. Solution: remove the skin of the dough from the refrigerator, for a few parts (depending on the small of a mini pie pan used ± 7 to 8 parts). Enter one part of dough into mini pie molds, press, press the dough to coat the pie pan and form a mini ditengahnya crater. Stab-stab the crater dough with a fork. Oven ± 10 – 15 minutes until the pie dough half Mayang. Remove from oven. Spoon custard mixture into the dough skin, not to management. Bake for ± 10 – 15 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C oven until done. Lift. Let cake cool before removed from the pan.

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