Lemon Cake or Gateau au Citron, Bolu Lemon

Lemon Cake or Gateau au Citron, Bolu Lemon

Lemon Cake or Gateau au Citron

January 9th, 2010 | by rarzi |

Lemon Cake or Gateau au Citron


* 4 chicken eggs, separate white and yellow
* 130 grams of granulated sugar
* 80 g butter, melted
* 3 pieces medium lime, squeezed
* 5 g baking powder
* 120 grams of wheat flour


1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
2. Batter 1: Combine the egg yolks with sugar and stir    well with a mixer.
3. Batter 2: Mix the butter with lemon juice, baking    powder, and flour. Mix well with mixer.
4. Batter 3: Beat the egg whites with a mixer until    frothy.
5. 2 Spoon the batter into cake pan and mix the dough    1, bake in the oven for 20 minutes. After looking    half-baked (+ 15 minutes), apply the mixture on the    surface of the cake 3. Bake again until cooked.
6. Remove and serve.

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