Fried Broccoli With Flour Recipe, Resep Brokoli Goreng, Broccoli Recipe

Fried Broccoli With Flour Recipe, Resep Brokoli Goreng, Broccoli Recipe

Fried Broccoli With Flour Recipe

January 1st, 2010 | by rarzi |

Fried Broccoli With  Flour Recipe

Fried Broccoli With Flour Recipe

* 500 grams of broccoli, cut into florets  rinse with salt water
* Enough bread flour
* Cooking oil to taste

Broccoli Fried Dough Flour  (Stir Average):

Ingredients :
* 10 grams of wheat flour
* 50 grams of rice flour
* 1 egg
* 1 / 3 tsp pepper powder
* Fine salt to taste
* 100 ml of liquid milk

1. Heat cooking oil over medium heat, dip each broccoli florets into the batter dyes, and   coat the bread flour, and fry until browned.
2. Remove and drain. Serve hot with chilli sauce.

Incoming search terms for the article:

brocoli flour fried, fried dough with broccoli,

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  1. One Response to “Fried Broccoli With Flour Recipe”

  2. By feedvillages on Jan 4, 2010 | Reply

    hmmmmm, it seem delicious!

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