Fish Barbecue With Rica Spice, Ikan Bawal Bakar

Fish Barbecue With Rica Spice,Ikan Bawal Bakar

Fish Barbecue With Rica Spice

January 13th, 2010 | by rarzi |

Fish Barbecue With Rica Spice

Fish Barbecue With Rica Spice

* 2 fish bawal, lined body
* 1 / 2 teaspoon lemon juice, mixed with 1 / 2       teaspoon salt
* 2 pieces green onion, sliced oblique
* 2 tomatoes, finely chopped
* 1 segment of the thumb of ginger, crushed, minced
* 1 stalk lemongrass, thinly sliced oblique
* 2 lime leaves, thinly sliced
* 1 teaspoon granulated sugar
* 2 tablespoons salt
* 4 tablespoons cooking oil

Subtle seasoning

* 10 red onions
* 5 cloves garlic
* Chilli curls 10
* 5 fruit chili sauce
* 1 turmeric finger joints
* 5 points pecan, toasted
* Salt to taste


1. Marinate the fish with a mixture of lime juice and salt, let stand for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, mix delicate ingredients with 2 tablespoons of cooking oil, mix well.
2. Light the charcoal coconut shell charcoal, a thin coat fish with delicate spices, grilled with inverted until coarse fish meat. Do  until the fish is cooked through and slightly dry spices. Remove and set aside.
3. Heat the remaining oil, saute remaining ingredients smooth, green onions, chopped tomatoes, ginger, lemon grass, lime leaves, sugar, and salt. Cook, stirring frequently until the spices cooked, lift.
4.Place the grilled fish in a serving dish and serve with stir spices.

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