Durian Ice Cream

Durian Ice Cream

Durian Ice Cream

January 25th, 2010 | by rarzi |

Durian Ice Cream

Durian Ice Cream

Materials :

Liquid Milk 1 cup
3 cup water
¼ teaspoon salt
200ml coconut milk
5 seeds / eye durian monthong (allowed to add according to taste), smooth


1. Heat water, milk, coconut milk and durian until boiling.
2. Lift Stir gently and let stand until cold enter into the    freezer.

3. Remove the dough ice cream after a half-frozen and then    process in blender or mixer until smooth.
4. Save back in the freezer until frozen. Do it 3 times.
5. Serve in glasses or serving ice cream cone, chocolate  sprinkle meisjes.

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