Cotton Cake Recipe, Resep bolu kapas

Cotton Cake Recipe,Resep bolu kapas

Cotton Cake Recipe

January 7th, 2010 | by rarzi |

Cotton Cake Recipe

Cotton Cake Recipe

Recipes I Ingredients:
* 270 ml egg whites
* 170 grams of granulated sugar
* Cream of tar-tar 1 / 2 teaspoon
* Low protein flour 100 grams, sifted 3 times for 2       parts
* Butter/margarine 90 grams

Recipes II Ingredients:

* 9 eggs yolk
* 1 egg white egg
* 110 ml of liquid milk
* Vanilla powder 1 / 2 teaspoon

Recipes III Ingredients:

* Chocolate paste to taste
* Essential lemon to taste
* Jams / taste strawberry


1. Second batter: Beat the egg yolk, egg white and   vanilla with Ballon wisk until blended. Boil       liquid milk until warm (before boiling). Remove  and set aside.
2. The dough I: Mix sugar and cream tar-tar, mix  well Beat the egg whites with a mixer with a       mixture of sugar enter little by little. Beat the  egg whites until frothy but not too stiff. Set       aside.
3. Melt butter / margarine until melted but do not       boil. Set aside.
4. Pour liquid milk into the beaten egg yolks,       stirring until blended.
5. Enter some flour and melted butter little by       little in the egg yolk mixture and stir well. Add       some more flour.
6. Add egg whites, stirring with Ballon  wisk             to mix.
7. For the dough into 2 parts, put some dough with       lemon essential and some pasta mixed with       chocolate. Mix well.
8. Prepare 2 pan size 10 × 10×7 cm, polish with a  little margarine and cover with butcher paper,       each of the batter into the pan.
9. Take a larger pan filled with water (steam bake), place dough in pan-sided top. Bake in oven 160 °  C for about 55 minutes. Lift.
10. Grease the surface of chocolate cake with   strawberry jam until blended. Cover top with a  lemon cake. Click to cling, cut cake to taste and       trim the surface. Serve.

For 12 pieces

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