Chocolate waffles, Wafel

Chocolate waffles, Wafel

Chocolate Waffles

January 21st, 2010 | by rarzi |

Chocolate waffles

Chocolate Waffles


200 grams of wheat flour
25 grams of chocolate powder
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 / 4 teaspoon salt
100 grams sugar
300 ml of liquid milk
4 egg yolks
50 grams melted butter
2 egg whites, beaten stiff


1. Mix the flour with cocoa powder, baking powder,  salt and sugar, stirring
2. Enter the liquid milk and egg yolks, stir well, add melted butter, mix well.
Enter the egg whites that have been beaten, stir well and let stand for 15 minutes.
3. Prepare the mold waffles, spread with a little butter, pour the mixture until almost
full and brown.
4. Serve warm.

To: 16 pieces

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