Black Forest Ice Cake, Kue Tart Coklat

Black Forest Ice Cake, Kue Tart Coklat

Black Forest Ice Cake

January 27th, 2010 | by rarzi |

Black Forest Ice Cake

Black Forest Ice Cake

Cake Ingredients:

* 13 egg yolks
* 2 egg whites
* 100 g sugar (caster)
* 15 g elmusifier (TBM)
* 70 g flour)
* 25 g cocoa powder
* 2 teaspoons baking powder
* 1 teaspoon brown paste
* 1 / 2 tsp mocha paste
* 140 g butter, melted


* 1 quart chocolate ice cream
* 1 liter of ice cream


* 200 g sugar
* 400 ml hot water


1.cake: Beat the eggs, and high-speed elmusifier to expand and thick. Enter the flour mixture gradually until well blended. Pour the melted butter, stirring gently until blended. Add the chocolate and mocha paste, stir.
2. Pour into pan + 20 cm in diameter have been smeared with a little margarine until blended. Bake in the oven with a temperature of 170 0C for 20 minutes until cooked. Remove and let cool slightly. Cut horizontally into 3 parts.
3. Creating content: Beat the two kinds of ice cream at high speed until well blended.
4. Prepare the mold ring 20 cm in diameter have been given a plastic mica. Place one sheet cake, spread with syrup. Cover with ice cream, add dark cherrysecukupnya. Cover with a piece of cake, basting again with the syrup. Do the same up to 3 layers.
5. Store in the freezer until slightly hardened. Remove from the mold, spread the entire surface of the cake with fresh whipped cream until blended. HiasbagianHias the edge of cake with melted chocolate, chocolate sprinkles and cherry drawstring. Serve cold.

For 15 servings

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