Chocolate Orange Pudding
November 26th, 2009 | by rarzi |Chocolate Orange Pudding
materials :
* Sunkist oranges 8
* 1 teaspoon grated orange rind
* 6 egg yolks
* 100 cc liquid milk
* 50 grams of sugar
* 1 package powdered orange juice
* 200 grams of cooking chocolate
* 2 egg whites
* 4 tablespoons cornstarch
how to :
1. cut the top of Sunkist oranges. remove the contents. then wrap with aluminum foil
2. Put the pieces that have been heat-resistant hot water
3. cooking chocolate melted, then mixed with egg yolk, milk, cornstarch, grated orange rind, orange juice and sugar. mix well.
4. beaten egg whites until stiff, enter the chocolate mixture and mix well
5. orange peel-like bowl was filled with batter and the oven until cooked
Incoming search terms for the article:
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