Banana Cake

Banana Cake

Banana Cake

May 7th, 2009 | by rarzi |

Banana Cake

Banana Cake

150 Gram wheat
5 tablespoon sour cream Milk Powder
1 / 2 tsp Baking Powder
150 Gram Sugar Subtile
150 Gram margarine,make liquid
6  Eggs
1 tablespoon TBM
2 pcs banana,mashed
1 banana, cut into pieces

How to prepare:

1. Prepare sponge cake mold, give margarine inside     and then give wheat.
2. Mix corn, milk powder and cream powder baking,    poke evenly.
3. Shake the eggs and sugar until white.
4. Enter the TBM, the shake up.
5. Enter the bananas that are mashed, shake evenly.
6. Enter a mixture of wheat, shake gently until    evenly mixed.
7. Enter liquid margarine,stir evenly.
8. Pour batter into molds.
9. Roast briefly until cooked (approximately 25    minutes), remove, and put banana
10.Roast until cooked again (until the       fawn-colored surface).

Incoming search terms for the article:

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  1. One Response to “Banana Cake”

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