Peanut Butter Cup Cookie Ice Cream

February 28th, 2009 | by rarzi |

Peanut Butter Cup Cookie Ice Cream


1 fruit chocolate pie crust, ready to use
120 grams of peanut butter
60 cc honey
250 grams of chocolate chip-peanut butter cup cookies, roughly chopped
1 liter vanilla ice cream
125 cc chocolate fudge

How Cooking:

Mixed peanut butter and honey, stir

Put the vanilla ice cream in a bowl, then poke poke briefly until slightly liquid.

Add peanut butter mixture before-and chocolate chip cookies peanut butter cup, and shake briefly with a mixer until flat.

Put 1 / 2 the dough ice cream to chocolate in the pie crust, Justify, and add the chocolate fudge, Justify.

Put remaining dough on top of it before, Justify, store in freezer for 30 minutes, lift, and add Whipped cream on top, serve.

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