Ayam Bakar Kecap / Soy Roasted Chicken

January 21st, 2009 | by rarzi |

Ayam Bakar Kecap / Soy Roasted Chicken


1 chickens, cut into 8
2 tbsp lime juice and 2 tsp salt
2 cm lengkuas,hit
2 stem citronella, hit
2 pieces of orange leaves
2 cm ginger
2 tbsp sweet soy sauce
2 tbsp oil
Flavor of mashed:
3 large red chili
6 red chili sauce
8 grains of red onion
5 cloves garlic
5 candlenuts grains, fry without oil
3 cm turmeric
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp margarine
7 tbsp sweet soy sauce

1. Wash chicken clean, mixed with lime juice and salt, wait until 10 minutes. Wash clean again.
2. Mix chicken with the smooth flavor, add 2 tbsp oil.Wait for 30 minutes.
3. Chicken cooked with smooth flavor, add ginger, citronella, lime leaves, and ginger, cook until the chicken is soft, lift.
4. Prepare the coals of fire, roast chicken. During baking give with a mixture of margarine and sweet soy sauce. Grilled until slightly darker color, lift.
5. Serve warm.
For 4 people

tags: ayam bakar kecap, ayam bakar kecap recipe, ayam bakar kecap resep, ayam bakar recipe, ayam oven bakar resep, ayam panggang kecap recipe, ayam roasted, franchise ayam bakar roast chicken, , resep ayam bakar, resep ayam bakar kecap, resep ayam oven, resep ayam panggang, resep ayam panggang bakar, resep babi, resep chicken roast, , resep roast chicken, resep roasted chicken, roasted chicken indonesia, roasted indonesian chicken,

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