Sambal Goreng Telur Puyuh Sayuran / Sambal Quail Egg Fry Vegetables

October 11th, 2008 | by rarzi |

Sambal Goreng Telur Puyuh Sayuran / Sambal Quail Egg Fry Vegetables
2 tablespoons oil
5 cloves garlic
4 eggs, onion
1 red chili, cut
200 grams of tempeh, cut

2 know, cut the box, fried
3 ligament long beans, cut
3 sheets lime leaves
5 cm lengkuas, memarkan
1 liter of milk 1 / 2 coconuts
Salt, sugar adequate
4 starfruit fruit, vegetables
1 tomato
1 tablespoon fried onion
12 Quail boiled eggs, peeled

How to make:

Heat oil. Stir-fry onion, chilli until fragrant.
Enter Tempe, know, long beans, orange leaves, lengkuas, coconut milk, salt, sugar, starfruit, vegetables, tomatoes, boiled egg.
Cook beans until tender. Lift.
Serve with fried onion topping.
serve 6 portions

Sumber: Aura Lezat Sehat 13 (gambar dan resep translate)

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