Sayur Keladi ( Keladi Vegetable)
November 26th, 2007 | by rarzi |Sayur Keladi ( Keladi Vegetable)
From : Irian Jaya
3 Red chillies
5 small chillies
5 Shallots
150 gr shrimp
3 taro, sliced
10 small chillies
2 tomato, chopped
750 cc milk squeezed from coconut
3 sp oil
1 tsp Salt
Grind with a mortar & pestle or blend the first 3 ingredients very finely.
Heat oil & sauté the ground ingredients, add shrimp, taro, chillies, tomato and milk squeezed from coconut & salt Stir it frequently until very fragrant.
Serve it.
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resep sayur keladi, resep masakan keladi com, resep sayur keladi merah,Related posts:
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